Why am I loosing so much hair?
That’s a great question but there is so much more to loosing hair then you may think.
Finding hair in your hair brush is normal.
Did You Know?
It’s estimated that we shed about 50 to 100 hairs each day.
When you start losing an unusual amount of hair, however, it can be cause for concern.
Losing hair normally doesn’t have much effect on your appearance, as your head has plenty more to make up for the daily loss. But there may be a more significant reason for your hair loss when you start seeing your scalp or bald spots.
When you think of hair loss, you may think of genetic factors, Hormones, thyroid problems, infections, medications, and other diseases can all cause hair loss too.
So what are these various causes and how do you know if they’re to blame for your excessive shedding?
Hormonal Changes
A lot of Women experience a lot of hair loss after childbirth for several months after the delivery. You can also shed while going through menopause.
Thyroid Disorders
Perhaps one of the most common hormone-related causes for hair loss is a thyroid problem. Both too much thyroid hormone (hyperthyroidism) and too little (hypothyroidism) can lead to hair loss. Treating the thyroid disorder can often reverse the hair loss.
Physical and emotional stress can cause hair loss. Surgery, high fevers, and blood loss can cause enough stress to cause excessive shedding. As for psychological stress, the link is less well defined, but many people have reported losing hair at times of extreme mental stress or anxiety.
Fortunately, the causes of physical stress are often temporary and the hair loss subsides as the body heals and recovers. You can combat mental stress with daily exercise, proper nutrition, meditation, and removing known stressors from your life.
Research also shows that it can be linked to lower self-esteem, body image, and increased anxiety. Fortunately, many of these non-genetic causes for hair loss can be successfully treated and the hair loss averted and even reversed.
Pharmaceuticals can come with a long list of side effects, including hair loss. Chemotherapy is the most well-known culprit, but others include:
thyroid medications, some oral contraceptives, anticonvulsants, antidepressants, anticoagulants
These medications affect people differently, and may not cause hair loss in everyone.
Nutritional Deficiencies
Zinc and iron deficiency are the most common nutritional links to hair loss. But some evidence indicates that low intakes of fats, vitamin D, vitamin B12, vitamin C, vitamin A, copper, selenium, and biotin could also be to blame.
Skin conditions like psoriasis and dermatitis can occur on the scalp and interfere with hair growth.
Your more than welcome to talk to your hairdresser about what’s concerning you and the potential causes for your hair loss but also talk with your doctor. They can recommend a treatment that’s right for you.